Dmitrii Kharin

Front-End Senior Engineer


Top Skills


React, Redux

TypeScript, Next.js

Node.js, Express

Build & Deploy


Docker, Bash


CSS Modules, Tailwind


Code quality

ESlint, Prettier

React testing library, Jest



Coaching, Delegation





English, B2

Russian, Native


Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Career objective

Developed E-commerce SaaS at Sweed POS, enhanced online banking systems at Raiffeisen Bank with Microfrontends, improved cloud technologies at Yandex.Cloud, and upgraded user interfaces at Avito. Alongside these technical achievements, I've guided new developers and led diverse projects in various fields. I am not afraid to work with legacy code and am always ready to improve it.

Work Experience 9 years

Front-End Team Lead

Sweed POS | June 2022 - April 2024 / Remote

Leading the development within a front-end team at an E-commerce SaaS company, I spearheaded the enhancement of critical product components, including cashier, CRM, and admin panels. My leadership involved guiding a team of 4 developers, authoring key documentation, and fostering an environment conducive to exploring new development approaches. I directly contributed to refining the type system, streamlining code to eliminate redundancies, enhancing real-time order management features, and creating a flexible marketing scenario constructor, significantly elevating the product's functionality.

Senior Front-End Engineer

Yandex.Cloud | November 2020 - June 2022 / Moscow

In our team of 30 engineers, we dedicated ourselves to developing cloud technologies, focusing on both the front-end and Node.js. I played a critical role in writing detailed documentation on cloud service deployment, spearheaded the separation and refinement of billing and support services, and significantly improved our release management process using a Telegram bot. I was pivotal in enhancing the i18n library, contributed to our design system, managed the migration of services to a newer CI/CD platform, implemented a user verification popup, and led the development of the front-end for a managed GitLab service. My efforts were recognized with "exceed expectations" in performance reviews twice.

Front-End Team Lead

Raiffeisen Bank | October 2018 - November 2020 / Moscow

Enhancing an online banking application for businesses, I led the front-end team focusing on innovative technology solutions. My role involved conducting interviews and integrating four new developers, guiding professional growth for nine developers across four teams, and pioneering Microfrontends to allow seamless updates without interference. Under my direction, we transitioned to a bilingual interface and crafted complex web functionalities, recognized by the "Vice President" award for excellence. Additionally, I facilitated two large community meetups, promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Senior Front-End Engineer

Avito | June 2017 - October 2018 / Moscow

At Russia's top classifieds platform (like eBay in USA), I was part of a Scrum team handling profiles, feedback, and login systems. I developed an avatar cropping tool, a detailed complaint reporting modal, and a new, easy-to-use authentication system. I also worked on a feedback modal, helped improve our design system, set up an admin page for handling complaints, and wrote automated tests to ensure everything worked smoothly.

Front-End Engineer

Previous companies | June 2015 - June 2017 / Moscow

At Progress Soft, a consulting firm, I developed a social network prototype, a government procurement website, and a drone management interface. At City Business School, I was involved in maintaining the main site, designing marketing materials, and contributing to a distance learning system. At Web studio Matodor, I created an online jewelry store and worked on various websites, enhancing functionality and design.

Moonlighting Part-time

Front-End Engineer

Companies with short-term contracts | April 2017 - May 2019 / Remote

As a Full Stack Engineer at Maffick, I built a marketing site enabling users to create and download customized videos. At HTMLAcademy, I mentored 19 students, teaching JavaScript through five intensive courses. I developed a crypto event analysis dashboard at Crypto Data Analyzer, featuring diverse charts and a world map. At justfood, I launched a CRM system's frontend for order and kitchen task management.
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